Tuesday, November 27, 2007

la la la la lemon

I've started this blog to keep in touch with the people I love. If you're here...welcome! This coming year is going to be a pretty exciting time. In case you don't already know, let me tell you why:

I have removed myself from all of my responsibilities in San Diego and plan to move to Egypt in the spring.

December 14=Last day at UCSD
January 31=depart San Diego for Tucson
March=tentative departure for tentative cross-country road trip
May=tentative departure for Alexandria, Egypt.

What's my reason for the drastic change?
  • Well, a few things. In a post-9/11 world (yes, I went there) I feel it is my duty to participate in bridging the divide between my two cultures. The one of my heritidge and the Western one I've adopted.
  • I desperately need to improve my Arabic or they won't let me come to the meetings anymore. I'd like to be able to read some of the literature and as my current reading level is that of a first grader, it might be time to immerse myself in an Arabic speaking and writing country.
  • While I'm at it, it would be nice to see if my opinions and views of the region are based in any reality or if I'm just full of it.
  • I miss my family.

So all very good reasons and the timing couldn't be more perfect because my mother and father are also moving back. So when I go to Tucson in February, I'll be helping my mother put her house on the market. We'll also spend some time packing it all into a 40' container to be shipped all the way to Alexandria. I'm not sure what's happening with Puckie and Kiko but I think we should bring them with us. They'll LOVE Egypt. Cats are worshiped there!